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How does Remotion compare to Motion Canvas?

Here are a few differences between Remotion and Motion Canvas to help you decide which library is best.
The comparison has been authored by Remotion with input from the Motion Canvas community.

Web vs. Canvas

Remotion uses a whole DOM tree for the video, while Motion Canvas uses a single <canvas> element.

Remotion may render more types of content, but needs a headless browser to create a video.
Motion Canvas can only render canvas-based content, but may do so in the browser.

API comparison

Remotion enables you to render React markup based on the current time. React is a popular library for building UIs.

Motion Canvas uses an imperative API. Rather than rendering markup based on a timestamp, elements are added procedurally to the timeline.

Remotions programming style can be described as "declarative" and "keyframe-based", while the terms "imperative" and "procedural" describe Motion Canvas well.

Here is an identical animation (Red circle turning into an orange one, then jumping to the right using a spring animation) in Remotion and Motion Canvas:

Remotion Implementation
import {
} from "remotion";
export const MyComp: React.FC = () => {
const frame = useCurrentFrame();
const { fps } = useVideoConfig();
const colorChange = interpolate(frame, [0, 60], [0, 1], {
extrapolateRight: "clamp",
const spr = spring({
frame: frame - 60,
const translateX = interpolate(spr, [0, 1], [0, 300]);
return (
justifyContent: "center",
alignItems: "center",
width: 200,
height: 200,
borderRadius: 100,
backgroundColor: interpolateColors(
[0, 1],
["#e6a700", "#e13238"],
transform: `translateX(${translateX}px)`,
Motion Canvas Implementation
import { makeScene2D } from "@motion-canvas/2d";
import { Circle } from "@motion-canvas/2d/lib/components";
import { SmoothSpring, spring } from "@motion-canvas/core/lib/tweening";
import { createRef } from "@motion-canvas/core/lib/utils";
export default makeScene2D(function* (view) {
const circle = createRef<Circle>();
view.add(<Circle ref={circle} size={200} fill={"#e6a700"} />);
yield* circle().fill("#e13238", 2);
yield* spring(SmoothSpring, 0, 300, (value) => circle().position.x(value));

Broad vs. specialized

Remotion tries to make as few assumptions over the content of the video as possible and supports a wide variety of use cases.
Motion Canvas is designed for informative vector animations and ships built-in APIs to optimize for this use case.

Special qualities of each library

Each library has unique features that you might find useful:

Remotion has:

  • APIs for server-side rendering
  • functionalities for making apps that create programmatic video
  • packages for Three.JS, GIFs, Lottie and more.

Motion Canvas has:

  • time events and properties that can be manipulated through the GUI
  • the ability to sync audio through the UI
  • built-in components for LaTeX and code block animations.

Commercial vs. Open Source

Remotion is source-available software that requires a license for use in companies, while Motion Canvas is truly open source software.

While Remotion costs money for use in a company, we are able to reinvest this money into further improving Remotion.

Which one should I choose?

It depends - choose the right library based on the features that sound useful to you and the mental model that you feel most comfortable with.