Using Remotion in Angular
This guide explains how to integrate Remotion into an Angular project.
Install required packages
Install Remotion and necessary dependencies:
- npm
- pnpm
- yarn
- bun
Use npm as the package managerbash
npm i remotion @remotion/player @remotion/cli @remotion/zod-types react react-dom zodnpm i --save-dev @types/react @types/react-dom
Use pnpm as the package managerbash
pnpm i remotion @remotion/player @remotion/cli @remotion/zod-types react react-dom zodpnpm i --dev @types/react @types/react-dom
Use Yarn as the package managerbash
yarn add remotion @remotion/player @remotion/cli @remotion/zod-types react react-dom zodyarn add --dev @types/react @types/react-dom
Use Bun as the package manager and runtimebash
bun i remotion @remotion/player @remotion/cli @remotion/zod-types react react-dom zodbun --dev @types/react @types/react-dom
Bun as a runtime is mostly supported. Read more here.
Create a Remotion folder
For better separation, create a folder to hold your Remotion files:
Copy the contents of your Remotion project or a starter template (e.g., HelloWorld) into this new folder. This will help separate Remotion related files from the rest of your Angular codebase.
Copy remotion.config.ts
Copy the remotion.config.ts
file to the root directory of your Angular project, placing it at the same level as package.json
This configuration file is necessary for Remotion to recognize and compile your project settings.
Configure TypeScript for JSX
To enable JSX support in Angular, update the tsconfig.json
file by setting "jsx": "react"
under compilerOptions
. This configuration allows Angular to interpret JSX syntax used in Remotion's React components.
{"compilerOptions": {"jsx": "react","skipLibCheck": true // Recommended to avoid errors with certain libraries// other options}}
The "skipLibCheck": true
setting is also recommended to prevent compatibility issues with certain library types.
Create a React wrapper component for Angular
To embed Remotion components in Angular, create a wrapper component:
- In your
folder, create a file namedPlayerViewWrapper.tsx
. - Ensure each
file imports React explicitly at the top of the file:
import {AfterViewInit,Component,effect,ElementRef,EventEmitter,Input,OnDestroy,Output,signal,Signal,ViewChild,WritableSignal,} from '@angular/core';import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common';import {RouterOutlet} from '@angular/router';import React from 'react';import {createRoot, Root} from 'react-dom/client';import {PlayerRef} from '@remotion/player';import {myCompSchema, PlayerView} from './PlayerView';import {z} from 'zod';const rootDomID: string = 'reactCounterWrapperId';@Component({selector: 'app-player-view',standalone: true,imports: [CommonModule, RouterOutlet],template: ` <div id="${rootDomID}" #${rootDomID}></div>`,})export class PlayerViewWrapper implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {@ViewChild(rootDomID, {static: false}) containerRef: ElementRef | undefined;@Input({required: true}) data: Signal<z.infer<typeof myCompSchema>> = signal({titleText: 'Welcome to Remotion',titleColor: '#000000',logoColor1: '#91EAE4',logoColor2: '#86A8E7',});@Output() onPaused = new EventEmitter<void>();playerRef: WritableSignal<PlayerRef | undefined> = signal(undefined);private root?: Root;constructor() {effect(() => {this.render();});}ngAfterViewInit() {this.root = createRoot(this.getRootDomNode());this.render();this.playerRef()?.play();}ngOnDestroy(): void {this.root?.unmount();}private getRootDomNode() {if (!this.containerRef || !this.containerRef.nativeElement) {throw new Error('Cannot get root element. This should not happen.');}return this.containerRef.nativeElement;}protected render() {if (!this.containerRef || !this.containerRef.nativeElement) {return;}this.root?.render(<PlayerViewplayerRefInstance={this.playerRef}data={}onPaused={() => this.onPaused.emit()}/>,);}}
This wrapper component will serve as the bridge between Angular and Remotion’s React components.
You can also pass an EventEmitter instead of a Signal.
Create a wrapper for the Remotion player
- In your
folder, create a file namedPlayerView.tsx
. - Ensure each
file imports React explicitly at the top of the file:
This will get the reference to the player with createRef
import React, {useEffect} from 'react';import {Player, PlayerRef} from '@remotion/player';import {z} from 'zod';import {HelloWorld} from './HelloWorld';import {zColor} from '@remotion/zod-types';import {WritableSignal} from '@angular/core';export const PlayerView: React.FC<{data: z.infer<typeof myCompSchema>;playerRefInstance: WritableSignal<PlayerRef | undefined>;onPaused?: () => void;}> = ({data, playerRefInstance, onPaused}) => {const playerRef: React.RefObject<PlayerRef> = React.createRef();useEffect(() => {if (playerRef.current) {playerRefInstance.set(playerRef.current);// add callback when player pausesplayerRef.current.addEventListener('pause', () => {onPaused?.();});}}, []);return (<Playerref={playerRef}component={HelloWorld}durationInFrames={150}fps={30}compositionHeight={1080}compositionWidth={1920}inputProps={data}controls/>);};
Use the component in Angular
To display the Remotion player within an Angular template, add your new wrapper component wherever you'd like the player to appear:
<app-player-view [data]="data" (onPaused)="playerPaused()"></app-player-view>
This Angular component tag will render the Remotion Player, allowing you to pass data or configuration as needed through Angular's data binding.
You're now able to use the API
of the player via this.playerRef()